


Desain Logo dan Kartu Nama ‘Soer’s Kitchen’

'Soer's Kitchen' is a family culinary business, located at Springhill Sky Terrace, Jakarta. The name 'Soer' comes from the first name of the owners. They run a canteen for apartment residences, and provide fresh and delicious home cooking dishes daily. They hire us to design...


Desain Kalender ‘Dewaweb’

'Dewaweb' is one of the best cloud hosting service provider in Indonesia. We were trusted to design their calendar for this year. They wanted to emphasize their features and unique selling propositions, so we illustrated the features with different market targets. The founder always looks...


Desain & Printing Kartu Nama ‘Koi Garden’

Here's a business card design & printing for 'Koi Garden', a fish shop in North Jakarta, specializing in koi fishes.  20 boxes of business card had been delivered to our client.   Ini adalah desain & printing kartu nama untuk 'Koi Garden', sebuah toko ikan di Jakarta...


Printing Signboard ‘BTI’

BTI (Bisnis Travel Indonesia), a subsidiary of Golden Rama Tour & Travel, is a travel business platform with the best consulting services, an integrated online system, and easy access to business. They encouraged people to build their own travel business. We printed their signboard, for...


Desain Kemasan ‘Lapis Borneo’

Ini adalah desain awal kemasan 'Lapis Borneo', sebuah brand yang menjual kue yang terdiri dari 3 lapisan: lapis Surabaya, lapis legit, dan brownies sebagai lapisan terbawah. Ada 2 ukuran kemasan. Pemiliknya menggunakan kemasan ini sebelum dia mencetak versi aslinya. Kami mencocokkan desain dengan logonya, dan meletakkan...


Desain Logo ‘Lapis Borneo’

‘Lapis Borneo’ (means Borneo layer cake) is a cake brand in Tarakan, North Borneo. The owner used to sell various kinds of cakes, but now she is focusing on one of their signature cake, Borneo layer cake. It’s a cake that consist of 3 layers...


Desain & Printing Sticker Segel Hologram

Desain dan printing sticker segel hologram untuk klien kami untuk menyegel produk premium mereka. 50.000 pcs sticker hologram telah diantarkan ke klien kami.   A validity seal hologram sticker design and printing for our client to seal their premium products. 50.000 pcs of hologram stickers had been delivered to...


Undangan Pernikahan Marolop & Patricia

Marolop and Patricia fell in love in Japan. Born in different island, with two different cultures and traditions, doesn't fade their love towards each other. Instead, they conquered all the differences and united in marriage. They really appreciate the concept of beauty in simplicity. Patricia...


Desain & Printing Logo & Label ‘Black Pearl’

'Black Pearl' is a brand that sells qualified civet coffee from Gayo Highland, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. They sell 2 kinds of coffee: in powder and bean form. They trusted us to design their logo. The logogram resembles the shape of a civet walking on a...